Public Beta Versions
We are going to start posting beta versions of the next release as they are available. We will post what bugs the beta version addresses and any new features it has that you can try out.
We invite you to try it and see how it does. Please provide feedback to
If you are not experiencing issues with the release version, you may want to just wait for the next release.
The Public Betas are Updates. They must be installed over an existing, working version or they will not run.
Versions and higher have a new name for the executable: Pilot2ATC_2021.exe.. After installing the update, you may need to change any shortcuts you have to the program in windows. Release 05/02/2024
- Fixes additional bugs in Com frequency selection
- Fixes a bug in Taxi request response for Cargo ramps.
- Fixes Visual Straight-In approach response.
- Fixes SimBrief Import Call Sign handling.
- Fixes a few other bugs. Release 03/08/2024
- Fixes some bugs in Com frequency selection
- Fixes a bug in flight plan printing.
- Fixes a bug in the program closing warning.
- Fixes a few other bugs. Beta 1 03/03/2024
- Fixes error in Flight Plan Printing function. Release 02/18/2024
- Includes all the changes and fixes in the betas
- Fixes a few other bugs. Beta 7N 02/05/2024
- Fixes several more issues related to Com Radio tuning and controller identification.
- Fixes some issues that can cause program to slow down or appear to freeze.
- Fixes some additional ATC interaction issues.
- Fixes several other bugs. Beta 7M 01/27/2024
- Fixes several issues related to Com Radio tuning and controller identification.
- Adds option to allow user to set their own Squawk Codes for compatibility when flying in conjunction with live controller networks.
- Fixes some issues with climb and descent calculations.
- Fixes several UI display issues.
- Fixes several ATC interaction issues.
- Fixes several other bugs. Beta 7L 12/08/2023
- Fixes a problem display of VFR Chart map type.
- Fixes a few other bugs. Beta 7K 12/05/2023
- Fixes several Grammar issues.
- Fixes several procedure display issues.
- Fixes several map display, zoom and scrolling issues.
- Fix import of ARTCC Center controllers.
- Fix export of Flight Plans to X-Plane 12.
- Fixes several other bugs. Beta 7J2 11/07/2023
- Fixes a problem with setting radio frequencies is some cases.
- Fixes Saving of the new Easy Clearance Readback option.
- Fixes a few other bugs. Beta 7J 11/06/2023
- Adds a Guide for using Pilot2ATC in a VR environment.
- Adds a "Start on Main Screen" option on the P2ATC Setup tab that will ensure that the program opens on a visible screen. Useful in VR and multi-screen environments.
- Adds "Easy Clearance Readback" option on the ATC Setup tab to avoid issues on long readbacks.
- Enhanced grammar to enable a little more flexibility in readbacks and some other calls.
- Fixes several other bugs. Beta 7I 10/29/2023
- Fixes Copilot Taxi Readback errors.
- Fixes error in TaxiMnt Ctlrs tab that caused errors in the editing area .
- Adjusts Approach and Vector start timing.
- Fixes a bug that could prevent entering of STAR in some flight plans.
- Fixes several other bugs. Beta 7H 10/21/2023
- Displays multiple Center frequencies in Frequency Display window.
- Fixes the issue of Center controller frequencies not always working.
- Fixes an issue where the bearing and distance from airport is not given or is missing the bearing.
- Fixes several Grammar bugs that were causing phrases to not be recognized when said by copilot.
- Fixes several other bugs. Beta 7G3b 10/18/2023
- Hot Fix for NOAA Weather. Fixes weather and TAF retrieval after NOAA changed their website and the location of data files. Beta 7G3 10/15/2023
- Fixes the issue where the copilot sometimes misses saying the call sign.
- Fixes a timing issue for approach clearance in some scenarios.
- Fixes several other bugs in Beta 7G2. Beta 7G2 10/12/2023
- Fixes a center selection and display bug in 7G. Beta 7G 10/12/2023
- Fixes a condition where taxi readbacks are not accepted and a loop starts between copilot and ground.
- Fixes an issue where readbacks is several scenarios would be responded to incorrectly or not understood.
- Frequency list now shows several nearby Center frequencies with the current center on top.
- Fixes an occasional Center frequency assignment iisue.
- Fixes a few other bugs in Beta 7F. Beta 7F 10/05/2023
- Fixes a problem where call signs were being added to SayIt phrases twice.
- Fixes Airway import and load to include all waypoints correctly.
- Fixes lack of response from ATC in certain situations.
- Fixes a few other bugs in Beta 7E. Beta 7E 09/23/2023
- Assigns cruise altitude in response to request for climb during SID that exceeds SID restrictions.
- Fixes SIMBrief CallSign Import to give 3 options:
- SIMBrief Airline Code and FltNum filled in will yield an Airline CallSign with the Airline CallSign for that code and the flight number: Airline: DAL FltNum: 345 yields Delta 345
- SIMBrief Airline Code Blank, CallSign and FltNum filled in will yield an Airline CallSign with CallSign as entered and the flight number: CallSign:Delta FltNum:345 yields Delta 345
- SIMBrief Airline Code and FltNum Blank, CallSign filled in will yield a GA CallSign with CallSign as entered and the Registration for the Tail Number: CallSign: Cessna Registration: N431VB yields Cessna N431VB
- Updates Flight Scenarios to match speech fixes and enhancements.
- Fixes some speech recognition and response issues found in Beta 7D.
- Fixes an issue with request for taxi to the Gate.
- Fixes a reported issue with clearance/vectors for some approaches.
- Fixes issue with display of some Airways.
- Fixes some other issues in Beta 7D. Beta 7D 09/17/2023
- Fixes some speech recognition and response issues found in Beta 7C.
- Fixes Auto Plan to assign STAR and Approach when warranted.
- Fixes enforcement of Mininum Runway length settings.
- Fixes bug that may have caused ATC to stop responding.
- Fixes some other speech related issues in Beta 7C. Beta 7C 09/12/2023
- Fixes some speech recognition and response issues found in Beta 7B.
- Fixes Chatter to play Tower files for Twr_FSS and Info_Twr controllers. Beta 7B 09/10/2023
- Fixes a few speech recognition and response issues.
- Fixes a few lack of response to SayIt requests. If you encounter a SayIt phrase that is not recognized, please email a screenshot of the SayIt screen with the failing phrase highlighted to enable fixing it. Email to
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Beta 7A 09/06/2023
- Fixes missing controller editor in TaxiMnt. Beta 7 09/06/2023
- Major changes to speech recognition grammar. Please send email to
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with details of any problems. - Fixes issue of ATC just going dead for seemingly no reason in certain circumstances.
- Fixes other reported bugs. Beta 6D 08/16/2023
- Fixes a few speech recognition issues. Beta 6C 08/15/2023
- Fixes the problem with initial controller check-in.
- Fixes some other minor grammar issues.
- Fixes other minor bugs. Beta 6A 07/17/2023
- Fixes an issue with SIMBrief Call Sign Import Beta 6 08/12/2023
- Adds detailed Flight Scenarios to the documentation to illustrate what ATC Interactions will occur on 8 different types of flight. These scenarios give detailed pilot to ATC interactions from actual VFR and IFR Flights. These scenarios were developed by Pete Ramberg. Thanks Pete!!
- Fixes problems with Importing and Exporting MSFS .pln Flight Plans.
- Fixes an issue with importing trans-Atlantic flight plans from SIMBrief.
- Fixes a bug in the Initial call response to Center controllers.
- Fixes some issues with Taxi instructions in certain scenarios.
- Fixes response to Holding Short of runway report.
- Fixes a few other minor bugs. Beta 5 07/27/2023
- Fixes issue of ATC not seeing AI Traffic unless the traffic viewing on the map is turned on.
- Fixes a problem with ATC not recognizing Frequency and Altimeter readbacks correctly.
- Fixes a problem with display of Go-Around Distance setting in Config.
- Fixes a problem ATC not using STAR entered in Flight Plan.
- Fixes a few other minor bugs. Beta 4 07/24/2023
- Fixes issue of takeoff clearance being given when final or runway is not clear.
- Adds a setting in Config for On Final Takeoff Separation. In high traffic situations, reducing this will prevent sitting for long periods to get clearance. Just be sure to be ready to take off without delay after cleared.
- Improves VFR Flight Following to allow many variants of the request, both on the ground and in the air.
- Fixes a few other minor bugs. Beta 3d 07/22/2023
- Allows ATC Chatter folder to be set to any folder that contains the Regions folder from Stick & Rudder's Chatter files or a stand-alone Controllers folder containing a folder for each Controller type. If you use the default folder, no Chatter Root folder needs to be entered.
- Removes user aircraft from X-Plane AI Traffic.
- Fixes the issue of AIRAC Cycle Display of Navigraph data.
- Fixes an issue with Controller voice sometimes not working at Destination airports. Beta 3c 07/19/2023
- Reinstates the ability to install the "Slow" XPLink from the AI Traffic tab of Config
- Fixes a problem with the normal P2A_XPLink plugin for X-Plane X-Plane users should install this update and perform the XPLink load again to get the new version of the normal XPLink plugin. Beta 3b 07/17/2023
- Fixes some AI Traffic Display issues for X-Plane Beta 3 07/16/2023
- Fixes AI Traffic Display issues: X-Plane users should reinstall the P2A_XPLink using the facility on the Config-AITraffic tab.
- Adds support for "half waypoints" for NAT routes.
- Fixes Chatter Folder designation so it can be pointed to the X or FS ATC-Chatter folder to avoid copying files.
- Enhance Flt Plan Import to allow selection of FS/P3D or MSFS format for .pln files.
- Fixes AIRAC cycle display for Navigraph AIRAC cycle 2307.
- Fixes some other issues. Beta 2 06/24/2023
- Fixes User Defined Waypoint issues
- Fixes a bug in Modified Hot Key saving.
- Fixes some issues related to VFR Flight Followed flights.
- Fixes some issues related to VFR Pattern Altitude display.
- Fixes display of some IFR procedures.
- Fixes some other issues. Beta1A 06/10/2023
- Fixes FltPlan File to Ignore Airway Altitudes when that option is selected in Config.
- Fixes setting of departure runway.
- Tweaks Taxi Instructions after landing to avoid getting hold at arrival runway.
- Fixes some other minor bugs. Beta1 06/06/2023
- Fixes TaxiMnt Center Editing function.
- Fixes display of some procedures.
- Fixes some other minor bugs. Release Update 06/02/2023
- Fixes issue of missing vectors after New Arrival Runway Request.
- Fixes STAR selection after new Arrival Runway Request.
- Fixes display of some procedures.
- Fixes some other minor bugs. Beta 6A5 05/30/2023
- Fixes adding of User Defined Waypoints on the map for VFR Flight Plans. Beta 6A4 05/25/2023
- Adds more randomness to Gate assignments.
- Fixes some other minor bugs. Beta 6A3 05/24/2023
- Fixes vector instructions for certain SIDs.
- Fixes some other minor bugs. Beta 6A2 05/23/2023
- Fixes Grammar to recognize phonetic X as Ex-Ray. Beta 6A 05/23/2023
- Fixes VFR Pattern Altitudes and display. Beta 6 05/21/2023
- Fixes speech recognition to recognize phonetic sound "ex-ray".
- Fixes Taxi Import for MakeRunways.
- Fixes Speech Assistant to include "..nautical miles" after the number entered for distance to airport.
- Fixes METAR decoding to properly decode Precipitation.
- Improves AI Traffic "on Ground" detection.
- Fixes issue of not getting vectors when told to expect them after a STAR.
- Fixes some other minor bugs. Beta 5X8 05/11/2023
- Changes Font for AITraffic information on map to make it more readable.
- Remove Preferred Wind settings from selection of runway if no Preferred runways are specified.
- Fixes some other minor bugs. Beta 5X7 05/09/2023
- Fixes Controller name to include controller type. Beta 5X6 05/07/2023
- Fixes issue with IFR descents to airports without any published approaches.
- Fixes taxi out to work with situations where a backtrack is required.
- Fixes Copilot setting of transponder to work in all situations.
- Fixes Controller name to eliminate duplicate of controller type. Beta 5X5 05/03/2023
- Enhance Taxi Request to give taxi to a Gate when requesting Taxi after landing and the word "Gate" is not recognized.
- Changes Airport and Country Folder Chatter so that there is only one Folder needed for US airports instead of needing the Kn sub-folders. Users with Kn folders will need to move their airport folders, if any, up to the US folder level. Canada Airports use CA for the Folder Name. Beta 5X4 05/02/2023
- Fixes Controller Spoken names. Beta 5X3 05/01/2023
- Fixes display of Airlines in TaxiMnt. Beta 5X2 04/30/2023
- Fixes some major bugs in Beta 5X Beta 5X 04/28/2023 Beta 5W 04/20/2023
- Adds Twr-FSS Controller type to fix issue with data that has FSS and Tower on same frequency.
- Enhances vector start timing for short flights.
- Enhances altitude assignments to avoid getting a climb when starting vectors.
- Fixes some bugs. Beta 5V 04/10/2023
- Fixes AI Traffic display for MSFS.
- Fixes some other minor bugs. Beta 5U 04/05/2023
- Enhances VFR calls to Tower for Approaches and Landing instructions.
- Enhances vector logic in certain scenarios.
- Enhances approach and transition selection logic.
- Fixes some issues with MSFS and P3D Flight Plan imports.
- Improves recognition of VFR requests.
- Fixes some other bugs. Beta 5T2 03/23/2023
- Fixes more issues with how some procedures are displayed. Beta 5T 03/22/2023
- Enhances VFR calls to open and close flight plans with FSS.
- Fixes some issues with how some procedures are displayed.
- Fixes how ATC interprets some phrases.
- Fixes some other bugs. Beta 5s4 03/18/2023
- Enables more flexibility in VFR request for landing on initial Tower contact.
- Fixes an issue with taxi route calculations. Beta 5s2 03/17/2023
- Fixes an issue with descent instructions in certain scenarios.
- Fixes a bug in the response when initially calling tower on IFR approach. Beta 5s 03/17/2023
- Adds takeoff/landing status for X-Plane runways in TaxiMnt
- Improves Navigraph Flight Plan imports.
- Improves VFR Pattern entry request and response to be more flexible.
- Fixes problem with display of some procedures.
- Fixes some other bugs. Beta 5r2 03/14/2023
- Fixes an issue in display of some procedures. Beta 5r 03/14/2023
- Fixes a bug in Runway Import in TaxiMnt. Beta 5q 03/11/2023
- Fixes display of message boxes. Beta 5p1 03/08/2023
- Fixes a bug in Beta 5p related to SimBrief imports
- Fixes IFR SID Clearance when the option to ignore SID Altitude Restrictions is turned on.
- Fixes problem of Copilot reporting in as climbing to an altitude not yet assigned.
- Changes X-Ray to ex-Ray to get some voices to pronounce it correctly.
- Displays VOR and NDB frequencies when Waypoint is part of a Procedure. Beta 5o 03/02/2023
- Fixes MSFS Flt Plan Export of SIDs and STARs Beta 5n 03/01/2023
- Additional fixes to MSFS Flight Plan Export.
- Fixes DirectTo request response.
- Other minor bug fixes Beta 5l 02/28/2023
- Additional fixes to MSFS Flight Plan Export.
- Fixes Taxi request at Destination airport to default to a Gate.
- Additional fixes to Visual Straight-In vectors. Beta 5k 02/23/2023
- Fixes MSFS Flight Plan Export.
- Fixes TOD calculations.
- Fixes messages to display on same screen as main program.
- Fixes Visual Straight-In vectors. Beta 5j 02/20/2023
- Fixes taxi route calculation that was causing the program to hang. Beta 5i 02/19/2023
- Fixes MSFS Flt Plan Export so Start location can be set after import to MSFS. Beta 5h 02/14/2023
- Adds option for "Copilot Sets Transponder".
- Adds option to hide your Pilot Id on the FPImport panel.
- Fixes MSFS Flt Plan Export to include waypoint Country Codes.
- Fixes other minor bugs. Beta 5g 02/13/2023
- Fixes Visual Straight-in vectors. Beta 5f 02/12/2023
- Fixes FlightAware text line import.
- Fixes Controller frequency tuning.
- Fixes Taxi instructions to runways that require backtracking.
- Fixes Takeoff clearance when traffic on final or on runway.
- Fixes other minor bugs. Beta 5e 02/01/2023
- Fixes SayIt Hot Key so it is remembered between sessions.
- Fixes Wpt Delete so the highlight falls to next waypoint in Flight Plan after delete.
- Fixes other minor bugs. Beta 5d2 01/28/2023
- Fixes display of some procedures.
- Fixes SID climb restriction logic.
- Tweaks ATC Center assignments. Beta 5c 01/21/2023
- Adds Twr_Dep dual controller type.
- Fixes ATC interaction with IFR approach to non-towered airports. Beta 5b 01/21/2023
- Fixes issue of not getting clearance for approach in some situations.
- Fixes some other bugs. Beta 5a 01/20/2023
- Fixes issue of phonetic letters being recognized as proper names. Beta 5 01/16/2023
- Fixes spoken approach names to include all suffixes.
- Fixes response to altitude change requests.
- Fixes other minor bugs. Beta 4d 01/14/2023
- Fixes FltPlan Validation target altitude issue.
- Fixes premature climb instruction in SID with altitude restrictions.
- Fixes other minor bugs. Beta 4c 01/13/2023
- Improves load time for non-AIRAC airports after an initial load.
- Tweaks vector start for some scenarios.
- Fixes several bugs. Beta 4b 01/09/2023
- Fixes display/vocalization of REX Weather wind. Beta 4a 01/09/2023
- Fixes Com Frequency Display issue. Beta 4 01/08/2023
- Fixes start of Descent when expecting vectors to final.
- Fixes issue with Waypoint target speeds being set too low.
- Fixes error when loading flight plan. Beta 3 01/06/2023
- Improves target altitudes in Flight Plan. Beta 2 01/05/2023
- Fixes a minor bug. Beta 1 01/03/2023
- Adds ability to randomize Chatter File play.
- Enhances drawing of some procedures.
- Improves clarity of VFR Sectional map at higher zoom levels.
- Makes some changes to climb and descent calculations.
- Makes some changes to calculating Next Wpt.
- Fixes some issues with multiple controllers sharing the same frequency.
- Fixes several issues with MakeRunway Runway/Taxiway Import.
- Fixes several issues with displaying some procedure types.
- Fixes issue of not getting descents in certain scenarios. 12/10/2022
Fixes several issues related to arrivals and vectors. 12/08/2022
Thanks to everyone who used and provided feedback on the Public Beta versions of This update provides all the enhancements and fixes provided in the new stable release version which were tested in the Public Betas.
Summary of Enhancements in Version
- Adds support for X-Plane 12
- Improves Arrival and Approach handling
- Improves Vectoring for Approaches and some Departures
- Adds Import of Flight Plans direct from SimBrief web site
- Improves MSFS and some other Flight Plan Imports and Exports
- Adds Play Chatter Button/Indicator on main screen
- Improves Volume controls
- Adds Favorite Phrases to SayIt Plus
- Enhances Airline Maintenance in TaxiMnt
- Improves display of many SID, STAR and Approach procedures
- Improves specificity of Approach Assignments to include name suffixes
- Enhanced Runway Selection logic
- Improves Taxi Instructions
- Adds "Only Use AIRAC Airports" option to speed program loading
- Adds Option to Ignore SID Altitude Restrictions
- Many more enhancements and bug fixes
Public Beta Fixes and Enhancements Detail Public Beta 9 12/01/2022
- Fixes issue of getting clearance for takeoff with traffic on final
- Improves approach transition selection in some situations
- Adds vectors to some SIDs that previously were not getting them
- Fixes vector start issue when flying with plan that doesn't include the approach
- Allows more time to decrease speed before subsequent warning
- Fixes some other bugs Public Beta 8S9 11/28/2022
- Fixes problem with vectors not being given after told to expect them
- Fixes Approach names to include suffix
- Fixes SIM Wx to correctly find XP12 METAR file
- Fixes handling of variable wind direction
- Fixes some other bugs Public Beta 8S5 11/23/2022
- Fixes Reconciliation of Multiple Controllers on Same Frequency
- Fixes some other bugs Public Beta 8S4 11/20/2022
- Fixes X-Plane Weather Retrieval to handle new METAR file names
- Enhances Runway selection during Arrival to better align with winds
- Fixes some other bugs Public Beta 8R4 11/17/2022
- Fixes Vector Issues
- Adds ability to overwrite the Conversation Text file on startup
- Adds option to ignore SID Altitude Restrictions
- Fixes some other bugs in Beta 8Q Public Beta 8Q 11/09/2022
- Fixes Vector logic to avoid losing ATC during Vectoring
- Fixes issues with getting Vectors on request during a VFR flight
- Fixes TaxiwayMnt Airline maintenance Filtering and Favorites
- Fixes Frequency assignment issues at certain airports
- Fixes SID display issues for some SIDs
- Fixes SimBrief Web Import issues
- Fixes a few other bugs Public Beta 8P2 10/30/2022
- Fixes a bug in AutoPlan that could cause a STAR to not be added
- Fixes a bug in AutoLoad of flight plans for P3D/FSX Public Beta 8P 10/30/2022
- Fixes VFR Auto Plan and File
- Fixes Vectors for requested approaches on VFR Flights
- Fixes erroneous off course call on some direct flight plans
- Enhances Auto Load to check for runway mismatches between STAR and Approach on IFR Flight Plans Public Beta 8L 10/28/2022
- Option to "Only Use Airports in AIRAC Data" on FltPln tab, speeds data loading for most users
- If that option not checked:
- All those back-country and closed airports will be loaded as before
- Data Loading will seem to hang at 25% for 1+ full minutes as more data cleanup is being done
- Duplicate airports at the same location will be eliminated
- Fixes problem with ATC Controllers not displaying properly Public Beta 8K 10/20/2022
- Fixes Pattern Direction bug in VFR patterns
- Cleans up a few minor bugs Public Beta 8J 10/18/2022
- Fixes bug in Vectoring Public Beta 8H 10/18/2022
- Fixes Procedure Display issue Public Beta 8G 10/18/2022
- Fixes Freq selection issue for some scenarios
- Fixes procedure display Public Beta 8F 10/17/2022
- Fixes ARTCC Boundary Detection
- Fixes other minor bugs in 8E Public Beta 8E 10/15/2022
- Fixes SID departure vectors
- Fixes IFR Arrival where no arrival procedures were specified in flight plan Public Beta 8D 10/14/2022
- Fixes bug that could cause SIMBrief Web Import to fail Public Beta 8C 10/14/2022
- Fixes Vector problem found in Beta 8B
- Fixes SIMBrief and Navigraph Text Line Import to enable importing of procedures
- Fixes Export panel to ensure bottom area with buttons is visible
- Fixes manual termination to vectors in SIDs
- Fixes display of some procedures Public Beta 8B 10/07/2022
- Enables import of X-Plane 12 Taxiways and Gates in TaxiMnt
- Removes the option to Randomize Vectored Approaches in line with the new Arrival procedures
- Fixes display of some procedures Public Beta 8A 10/04/2022
- Fixes bug that could cause program to crash or freeze Public Beta 8 10/04/2022
- Tweaks the new arrival and approach logic
- Improves weather loading
- Fixes display of some procedures on the map
- SimBrief website import enhancements
- Adds support for Operations controller in Speech Assistant
- Other enhancements and bug fixes Public Beta 7B 09/17/2022
- Fixes bug in display of Vectors to Visual Straight-In
- Fixes a couple of other minor bugs Public Beta 7A 09/16/2022
- Fixes bug in SIM Wx for X-Plane
- SIM Wx now works with XP11 or XP12 Public Beta 7 09/16/2022
In addition to some new features and many bug fixes, this update has a totally reworked logic for ATC interactions during arrivals. This should result in better timing of clearances and more realistic clearances and vectors. Please email
- New arrival and approach logic
- APPR button previews when Approach Clearance or vectors will start
- Heading instructions given in 5 degree increments
- Radar contact only verbalized on initial contact after takeoff
- SimBrief website import enhancements
- SayIt+ window remembers size and location
- SayIt+ Favorites function improved
- Recognizes Holding Pattern as part of approach where applicable
- Adds check for occupied gates to Arrival Gate assignments
- Other minor enhancements and bug fixes
Pilot2ATC Update PublicBeta 6
< Public Beta 6 07/18/2022
- Fixes problem with Joystick visibility
- Fixes issue of unnecessary vectors after last STAR waypoint
- Fixes some other bugs
- Adds error trapping and messages to SimBrief web imports
- Fixes SimBrief web import runway selection to use SimBrief runway if "Force Pilot Runway Selection" option is checked in Config
- Fixes descent altitude calculations
- Fixes X-Plane 11 fms flight plan export format
- Fixes Display of some IFR procedures
- Fixes some other bugs Public Beta 4 06/26/2022
- Adds import of Cruise Altitude and TAS (as Planned GS) when doing the new SimBrief Flight Plan Import
- Adds import of Departure and Arrival runways to the new SimBrief Flight Plan Import
- Adds option to Import SimBrief Call Sign with the new SimBrief Flight Plan Import
- Fixes issue with setting desired arrival gate in P2A prior to landing using the Info Window
- Fixes Departure runway change request
- Fixes waypoint target speed calculations
- Fixes some other bugs Public Beta 3 06/18/2022
- Adds ability to import
- Fixes issues importing FlightAware Flight Plans
- Fixes issue with importing Cruise Altitude from .PLN files
- Fixes a problem with Charts loading into the TERPs window from the FAA site
- Improves STAR/APPR selection logic to favor procedures in filed flight plan
- Improves runway assignment logic to favor wind speed and direction more
- Fixes some issues related to AutoPlan of procedures Public Beta 2 06/06/2022
- Fixes problem entering certain waypoints into flight plan in a specific order Public Beta 1 05/30/2022
- Fixes program freeze that occurs in some flights at arrival setup or vector start time
- Adds vectors for Approach Transitions with manual terminations
- Fixes descent instructions for vectored approaches in some scenarios
- Fixes display of RNAV approach name at bottom of Flt Plan window Update Release 05/22/2022
- Fixes vectors for Visual Straight-Ins
- Fixes descent instructions without STAR
- Fixes a problem with active Runways in some scenarios
- Fixes a problem with waypoint deletion in Flight Plans Public Beta 2 05/17/2022
- Fixes a problem with TOD Descents
- Fixes a problem with importing and filing some flight plans
- Fixes a problem with taxi instructions in some scenarios Public Beta 1 05/15/2022
- Fixes a problem with descent instructions in certain scenarios
- Improves vectoring logic for certain scenarios Public Beta 3 05/11/2022
- Fixes descent instruction and timing with vectors
- Fixes descent when no STAR
- Fixes VFR Flt Plan Imports
- Fixes Hidden Message Box Issues
- Fixes issue of still being assigned to a controller after cancel IFR or Flight Following
- Fixes other reported bugs Public Beta 2q 04/28/2022
- Adds Apron and Stand to gate names for certain locales
- Adds ability to request taxi to a Stand instead of a Gate
- Fixes arrival logic when procedures not AutoLoaded into plan
- Fixes bug in Chatter logic that could result in a Region not being selected
- Fixes vector logic to handle curved final approaches
- Fixes altitude assignments during vectors
- Fixes other reported bugs Public Beta 2p 04/05/2022
- Adds Min Runway Length for runway selection (P2A Setup tab of Config) (
- Enhances runway selection logic
- Prevents changes to arrival procedures if arrival runway doesn't change
- Adds X, Y or Z suffix to Approaches if applicable
- Enhances MSFS Flt Plan Import to include SID, STAR and Approach
- Fixes a few bugs in new vectoring logic
- Fixes other reported bugs Public Beta 2n 03/18/2022
- Improves AI Traffic location logic at airports
- Improves Cross Runway and Takeoff calls
- Improves Arrival Runway request and allows it after you have been given the arrival information
- Improves runway selection logic to not change arrival runway if windspeed is below 5 kts
- Uses Max Cross/Tailwind components from Config for selection of Preferred Runway
- Tweaks Descent Altitude Calculations
- Filing a Flight Plan will not make changes to it. Plan must be Validated before it can be Filed.
- Vector logic enhanced and early vectoring should be minimized.
- Approach Vectors can be displayed on map while planning by pressing the APPR button to the right of the map.
- Vector target altitudes displayed on map when you press APPR button. Public Beta 2m 02/14/2022
- Fixes Grammar Helper Phrases that were not being decoded correctly Public Beta 2l 02/13/2022
- Fixes bug introduced in beta 2k Public Beta 2k 02/12/2022 PULLED - Working on bug
- Fixes pronunciation of some controller names
- Fixes taxi hold instructions at some airports where Runways in Taxi data are missing Public Beta 2j 02/09/2022
- Fixes Chart Map Mode to display US VFR Sectional Chart
- Fixes Taxi Instructions at airports with ILS Hold Short without regular Hold Short taxi Points
- Fixes SimBrief Import with SID and/or STAR included Public Beta 2i 02/04/2022
- Fixes a problem where ATC would stop after takeoff on some short IFR flights Public Beta 2h 02/03/2022
- Fixes a bug with importing MSFS .pln Flight Plan files Public Beta 2g2 01/31/2022
- Adds line in Conversation Text for Assigned Controller and Frequency, even if copilot is not enabled Public Beta 2f 01/28/2022
- Updates METAR anytime source changes
- Reads from latest file on all Wx accesses for local weather sources Public Beta 2e
- Fixes Waypoint selection bug introduced in PB 2d
- Fixes ASN Weather error message issue
- Fixes non-vectored Approach descent instructions Public Beta 2d
- Fixes VOR Waypoint selection problem
- Fixes NOAA Weather reporting problem
- Fixes Bearing from Airport reporting problem Public Beta 2c
- Fixes VFR Flight Plan Filing Issue
- Fixes some other minor bugs Public Beta 2b
- Fixes Copilot Volume bug in Beta 2a
- Fixes some potential issues with SimBrief Imports Public Beta 2a
- Adds OnTop button for TaxiMnt Window
- Adds additional controllers that can handle Missed Approach
- Fixes Copilot Volume Setting
- Enhances SimBrief FP Import to include Runways, SID and STAR, if present in string Public Beta 1h
- Adds the option to only display airports from AIRAC (FltPln tab-Misc Options)
- TaxiMnt Window modified to allow Windows Alt-Tab to swap to it
- Fixes TaxiMnt button Highlighting issue
- Fixes a problem whereby the overall volume of P2A could be changed by setting the volume of the PTT or Speech Recognized tones
- Note: Public Beta 1g was rolled into Public Beta 1h Public Beta 1f
- Adds the option to have winds spelled as whinds to help voices pronounce it correctly
- Tweaks the vectored approach clearance Public Beta 1e
- Fixes an issue with exporting VFR Flight Plans to MSFS
- Fixes another issue with ASN weather display Public Beta 1d
- Fixes an issue with Flight Plan Export to MSFS Public Beta 1c
- Fixes the problem with the TaxiMnt button
- Fixes a problem with ASN weather display
- Fixes a couple of other 1b issues Public Beta 1b
- Set Chatter Volume Default to 100%
- Fixes TaxiMnt Window so it will open
- Fixes Tones so they output to the Speech Output device Public Beta 1a
- Adds Volume Setting for Chatter on Sounds Tab.
- Adds Random Voice Master Volume to change all Random voice volume settings at once
- Adds Volume Level bar on Com Control Panel
- Adds Favorite Phrases to SayIt Plus Window
- Enhances the Airlines Mnt Function in TaxiMnt, including ability to add and delete airlines
- Fixes a bug in Approaches with transitions
- Fixes a problem with Auto Planner in Beta 2F
- Fixes a bug in the Weather Display
- Fixes a few other bugs introduced in Beta 2f
Public Beta 2f
- Adds ability to control all volume using the Com Panel Volume Controls. You may need to turn this volume up the first time you use this release.
- Fixes a problem with display of Open Street Map in Taxi Mnt
- Fixes a problem that occasionally could give strange altitude assignments along with descent instructions at TOD
- Fixes issue of Chatter files playing from first in folder each time
- Fixes VFR Flight Plan filing problem
- Fixes a few bugs introduced in Beta 2e
Public Beta 2e
- Adjusts Approach Selection to avoid Circling approaches when others are availabe
- Adjusts OnRunway logic to reduce chance of invalid Go-Around, however invalid Go-Arounds may still be caused by a mismatch of SIM, Real World and P2A Runway locations
- Fixes export issues for some MSFS flight plans
- Fixes a problem with setting Arrival runway at airports without any arrival procedures
- Enables setting of runway at airports without any procedures or weather
- Fixes a bug in the beta that caused the flight plan window to go blank
Public Beta 2d
- Combines China Country Codes to "Z" when using Country or Airport Folders for Chatter
- Fixes display of Recommended Approach Button
- Fixes import of MSFS plans with missing Runway Information in STAR
Public Beta 2c
- Fixes a problem causing the program to not open on Windows 7
- Fixes display of additional procedures
Public Beta 2b
- Fixes a problem Copilot not doing readbacks or changing frequencies
- Fixes an issue with SayIt not displaying readbacks correctly
Public Beta 2a
- Fixes the reduced sound volume problem when using the Speech Recognized Tone
- Enables the use of words like "LINK", "INNER", "OUTER" in taxiway names
Public Beta 1b
- Fixes a problem with the drawing of some approaches
Public Beta 1a
- Fixes taxi instructions at some airports
- Fixes issue with MakeRunways Import of New Airports
- Fixes an issue with bogus altitude assignments on some descents
Public Beta 1
- Adds Accessibility Names to Buttons
- Organizes Main Window for easier Accessibility
- Adds Help Tips to many Buttons
- Adds PTT Pressed Tone that sounds when PTT button is pressed
- Fixes a bug in Taxi Mnt related to deleting Taxi Points
- Fixed Taxiway Import timeout error
- Fixes some problems with Procedure display
- Fixes some issues with vectors to approach
- Enables use of either style of Airline Call Sign (1415 as either fourteen fifteen, or one four one five)
- Fixes issue of Radar Control/Director being skipped at some airports
- Fixes P3D Flt Plan import of VFR plan with an airport as a waypoint
- Fixes issue of Approach being assigned for departure when Radar Dir is available
- Adds pause after ATC or pilot speaks before resuming chatter - half the Min Pause time
- Adds PlayChatter indicator/Button on Main Window
- Fixes issue with P2A not always fully shutting down with X-Plane
- Fixes issue with FSX Root Folder option for Importing Taxiways
- Fixes issue with Com1/Com2 swap not working in MSFS
- Fixes problems with importing of MSFS Flight Plans